No More Screenings, Events, Dinners, Lunch and Learns, and Networking Due to Covid? No Problem!!


We Guarantee 60+ New Patients THIS Month... Or We Will Fully Refund You AND Write A $3,000 Check To Your Name!


We Guarantee 60+ New Patients THIS Month... Or We Will Fully Refund You AND Write A $3,000 Check To Your Name

Expires October 31st, 2024 At 11:59PM

Expires October 31st,2024 At 11:59PM

From The Desk of David R. Thompson

Jan 1, 2021 5:57 AM

Dear Chiropractor,

Are you aggravated with all the silver-tongued young marketers (pillaging the chiropractic profession for a quick buck) who do more talking than delivering actual, traceable results?

Does looking through the unbooked slots in your practice’s calendar... knowing that other D.C.’s (often less talented than you) are booked two weeks in advance... damn-near give you a subluxation?

Are you frustrated with “free screening” or “coupon” and “voucher” leads keeping you down at the office (while you miss yet another dinner with the family or fishing trip with the boys) for what seems like diminishing returns?

Do you feel let down by the fact that you paid $300,000 to become a chiropractor yet barely received any education on how to manage, grow, and attract a steady stream of new patients into your practice?

Does your front desk struggle to get Internet leads through the door, often letting them go to waste (at your expense)?

Have you ever dreamed of having a consistent, scalable, dedicated marketing team taking care of the “business” stuff?

...allowing you to hire some D.C.’s, open a new location or two (or twelve), help more people, go on vacation, or even just spend more time at home?

Do you want to make a lot more money?

If so, then make sure you read every word in this letter, because I am about to show you (with countless proof) how other Chiropractors have changed their life forever - and how you can too. Here’s what I mean:

My name is David R. Thompson, and I am about to reveal to you the exact same secret other Chiropractors just like you are using to bring in more new patients than ever before… without being grinded down into a corner giving away your services for free or even cheap.

Here’s What It’s All About

Do you remember the booming market of 2011?


It was nuts. With the economy on the rise again, everybody felt on top of the world!

I was working a fancy corporate job, and I’ll confess to you: I thought I was invincible.

However, in 2014 things went south for me fast.

The company I was working at restructured which made working there a complete hell.

To make matters worse, some loans I had taken out years prior finally caught up with me. And they began garnishing my wages from my bank account to pay the debt down.

I had to pull out yet another credit card just to pay the bills… and I did it behind my wife’s back because I didn’t want her to worry! 

My mindset was always, “I’ll figure it out, no matter what.”  

This went on for years unfortunately...

Then, in 2016, we were kicked out of our rental home of 6 years and forced to move in with family just months before my wife calls me out of the blue, “I’m pregnant.”

And to top that off, she was really anxious to buy a house for our family, since at the time we were huddled in a 2 bedroom 1 bath house and had relatives living with us. Unfortunately, I couldn't let her know that my credit was completely shot, and the pressure kept building.

The final icing on the cake was when my credit cards dried up… I could no longer pay rent. The house of cards I built came crashing down on me. 

Needless to say, I needed help, and needed it fast.

“I Had To Find A Way To Do More With Less”

I always had an interest in marketing, and spent about 10 years tinkering with social media marketing... Over the years amassing a rolodex of solid connections in the field. 

I decided to get serious about it, hired a coach (with borrowed money), put my head down and went to work on refining my skills.


Then one day I offered a free trial to a local chiropractor.

And it went great!

My experience with my first client was nothing short of transformative: 47 new patient requests in less than 7 days and $14,000 in secured revenue. (In fact, she’s based out of Fort Collins and we've been working together for a LONG TIME)

I immediately began taking on more clients, making sure never to overpromise, and always keeping it about the numbers (R.O.I., conversion metrics, leads, actual walk-ins - you know, the only things that matter in marketing)

To keep a long story short, through honest hard-work and going the extra mile for my clients I was able to expand the business pretty fast.

Our agency went from helping one chiropractor get 47 new patient opportunities through the door… to working with over 180+ D.C.’s in 32 states… 

And having produced more than $10,415,000 in New Patient cash payments and collections to date… basically all through word of mouth and referrals!

I was able to quit my day job, focus on the things that grew my business, buy a dream home for family, and even take my wife (bless her heart) and kids on an awesome vacation to Machu Pichu, Peru:

The results we continued to get for our clients were amazing, and many D.C.’s were even able to hire other doctors and open up another location! Just like Dr. Ryan Knight of Knight Family Chiropractic in Durant, Oklahoma for example:
Everyone began to take notice.

“New Patients And Sales Went Through The Roof!”

Frequently I was asked, “What’s your SECRET to bringing in so many NP’s every month?


They would say, “You must be attracting freebie seekers” or “You must be ‘hyping up’ your numbers.”

(With so much hoop-lah in the industry, I respect the skepticism - that means you're not a sucker.)

However, they were wrong… very wrong. They just didn’t know my secret:

I was using Facebook Advertising to attract pre-qualified long-form leads (who were "primed" to buy) into my client’s practices.

Tell you the truth, this was working so well my clients wanted to keep it quiet… to be our insider “secret weapon.”

I knew how helpful this would be for chiropractors and D.C.’s who want to produce more...

But have either experienced first-hand or heard the horror stories of juvenile marketers thirsty to churn a profit for themselves.


So, over a period of a few months, I began accepting referrals from my clients. 

Immediately, these D.C.’s were seeing 300-750% return on investment… and that’s not even calculating the referrals they got and word of mouth EXPLOSION our marketing produced for them!

After many "failures", the lightbulb flicked *ON* in my brain (I call it my Thomas Edison moment)...

And That’s How "DRT NATION" Was Born

We developed a proprietary "patients on demand" marketing system that helps chiropractors manage, grow, and scale their practices. 

The reason for this is simple: finding the right marketing agency can be hard!

For many D.C.’s going with “free trial” marketers (who wanna give your services away for free too) is more trouble than it’s worth.

If you don’t know who to trust (and what to look for), you could even end up degrading or hurting your brand - which will cost you much more in the long run.

That’s where I come in.

I will create a personalized strategy, execute it, and scale your very own marketing plan!

I’ve already made all of the mistakes one could make in attracting the RIGHT kind of patients...

And now, we know exactly what to avoid, how to properly follow up, and get them walking in to your practice excited to pay you for your services!

Establishing a turn-key marketing system for your practice has never been easier...

Hiring A Marketing Agency Can Be A Nightmare

We take care of everything for you... and guarantee your satisfaction!

Imagine 3 months from now when you’re no longer working 60, 80, 90 hour weeks.

Imagine being at every one of your son’s ballgames or your daughters recitals (and even home for dinner)!

Imagine getting more new patients every month than you now get all year because you are able to focus 90% of your work-time educating and taking care of your happy walk-ins!

Imagine having a marketing team you don’t have to manage because you can trust they are doing the right thing... who stays ahead of the trends, handles all issues up to your standards, and provides you with detailed monthly R.O.I. reports (keeping your stress to a minimum).

Imagine looking into the mirror as your brush your teeth in the morning knowing your business is growing every day... your overhead, student loans, mortgage, car notes, and private school for the kids being paid off without a worry... because you have the time to focus on what is really important.

My team and I have been helping chiropractors fill their practice with 60-90 new patients every month for over 3 years now.


We've worked with over 250+ happy clients in 32 states… most of which have come from referrals. (This means we know what we’re doing.)

We are located in Castro Valley, California. And have managed to grow our small company into the "#1 (and fastest growing) D.C.-Trusted Internet Marketing Agency in the North America."

As Seen On
Today, I'm even being flown in as a guest trainer to share our marketing systems. That's me teaching a marketing seminar in Minneapolis to over 50 chiropractors who flew in from across the country to attend:
The fact of the matter is, nobody has as extensive a track record as us in delivering pre-qualified, ready-to-pay walk-ins to chiropractic practices and our numbers prove it.


You see, we’re NOT just throwing up an ad and hoping you can close whatever leads walk into your practice. 


…that’s right. Who else would put their money (and reputation) where their mouth is like that and literally GUARANTEE results? No one - we checked.

Delivering the best, top quality, ready-for-care, new paying patients is what my company does every. single. day.

We have very high standards for the leads we generate. Here’s what I mean…

Without a doubt you’ve either experienced or heard the nightmares, of wishy-washy marketers blowing through a chiropractors entire advertising budget, only to end up with a bunch of leads and little or no sales to show for.


That’s because these jokesters (excuse the expression) are only using simple ad targeting metrics such as age, sex, and location - in other words, they are marketing to everybody!

To add insult to injury, they force you to give your services away for free or very cheap because “that’s how you appeal to a wide audience.”

The truth of the matter is… you don’t want to appeal to everyone!!!!!

You ONLY want to market your services to a hyper-specific audience who is local to your area, is in serious pain, recognizes the value of chiropractic, and has the means to pay for your services outright!

In our marketing, we simply don’t waste our time with bottom-of-the-barrel leads. 

That’s how you end up with price shoppers, coupon or voucher enthusiasts, and time wasters. No, no, no, you see...

Instead we focus on a set of high standards we call our Golden Triad:
We achieve this through strategic offers, positioning, professional advertising/messaging, beautiful webpages that are specific to your brand, custom audiences, pixels and retargeting, and very specific ad targeting metrics. 

...That way you NEVER have to worry about low quality leads EVER AGAIN. That’s my “David R. Thompson” promise to ya!

Hear From Chiropractors Just Like You Who Transformed Their Practice (And Lives) By Letting Us Take Care Of Their Marketing!

Want Me To Help You For Free?

Would you like to take my proprietary "Patients On Demand" marketing systems on a "Test Drive"?


I’d be happy to help you strategize and create a custom, turn-key marketing plan to see if it’s the perfect fit to help you remove some of your stress, hustle and bustle, and ultimately help you double your profits while spending less time at the office.

Free Discovery Call

For a limited time, I am offering a free discovery call to chiropractors who meet a strict, but reasonable criteria.


I am offering this service because we exclusively help chiropractors and D.C.’s who are ready to grow their practice and have reached a point where you need help, but have no time or money to waste with “hypey” marketers or any more trial and error.

On this call you will get:

This Is NOT A Sales Pitch In Disguise!

By offering you a free discovery call, we may possibly find that working together makes sense!

And if you find the plan of action valuable to you, you may decide to become a client. With that said please understand I am NOT offering you a “sales pitch in disguise.”

I promise to NOT waste your time.

I promise ZERO sales pressure.

In fact, if you think your time was wasted, let me know immediately and I’ll send you $200 via PayPal on the spot.

You see…

You’re Gonna Get A “Behind The Scenes” Look Into Our Proprietary Marketing System …Specifically Tailored To Your Practice!

I promise, if you apply even a fraction of what we go over during our call to your practice, you’ll see new patients walking in your doors in windfalls.

After our call you’ll have two choices:

#1 - You can do it yourself.

You can hang up, take the information, and run with it... you can write the ads, create the marketing, follow up emails, everything. Nothing will be hidden from you.

Then you can build out your own surveys, follow up systems for your front desk staff, opt-in pages, configure your ad sets, set up the retargeting, and do all the other “tech stuff” on your own.

And if you wanna go that route, no harm no foul. I sincerely wish you the best of luck. I’d be just as proud to see you succeed as I would be with any private client of mine!

#2 - Your other choice is to get me and my team to do it for you.

If you choose this avenue, I’ll assemble your ads and perfect your “sales angles,” I’ll help you create a flawless offer, and all the other “front end” stuff that’s guaranteed to bring in hundreds of ready-and-able-to-pay walk-ins to your practice.


Then we’ll get your front desk staff trained up on the text-based follow up systems, complete with proven and profitable templates, and plug you into our call center so everything is automated for you.

Then we will personally create powerful email follow up systems that turn leads into paying patients like clockwork.

And we’ll create other marketing channels that turn walk-ins into repeat buyers and even “referral partners”.

Aand finally we’ll set you up with a Google sheet that automatically traces all of the activity we generate and calculates the return on investment...

...that way you’re never in the dark wondering if this stuff is even working or not.

Oh! And we’ll handle all the “annoying tech stuff” for you.

Because let’s face it. The money is in marketing and getting new patients into your practice… not in slaving over the computer, hunched over, building funnels and trying to make it all work like the YouTube video guru promised it would. Ha

And if you choose to have us do it for you, it’s reasonably priced. What’s more, we guarantee you’ll see 60+ new patients your first month or your money back plus we cut you a $3,000 check for wasting your time.

Now, with an offer this INSANE, let me address something important….

This Is NOT For Everyone. Here’s Who I Can Help:

1. You must already have a solid practice.

This offer is for D.C.’s who are already up and running and are seeing SUCCESS but simply want to run a lot faster.

You should be doing $20,000 to $35,000 a month or more already (although some exceptions apply).

This is not for start-ups, people who are struggling to cover rent, or “get rich quick” types who are hoping for an overnight miracle.

2. You must already have a consistent flow of leads and patients.

That means you’re getting steady foot traffic and making sales already.

You’re running ads and you’re promoting your practice. Doesn't really matter how you're currently doing it, but you’re selling your services.

You don’t need to be the top dog in your area… we will work on getting you there I just need you to be PRESENT in your community is all.

3. You must have a solid reputation.

This is a big one. I’m a Christian and in the early 2000’s I spent nearly 3 years doing missionary trips and spreading the love of Christ with those who need it most. 

I’m also a father of 3 beautiful children who look up to me as their role model -- I intend to keep it that way (they are my world).

Now, I’m not some prude. I don’t expect you to be a Goody Two Shoes or share my beliefs (I'll never push them on you either). 

But you must be legit and I must be able to trust you.

4. You must follow my instructions. (Don’t worry, it’s never nothing crazy.)

At the end of the day, you are deciding to work with me because of my expertise! If you don’t follow my strategy, meddle with it, or constantly feel the need to tell me how to do my job... neither of us will make any money.

I'll ALWAYS be honest with you and expect the same in return.


That’s it - those are my requirements.

So go ahead, schedule a discovery call with a Discovery Specialist by going to the schedule below.


Your initial call will be no more than 15 minutes. And don’t worry, this isn’t some “bait and switch” thing.

It will just be you and I on the call creating a custom plan of action for your practice(s).

Once we've spoken, and we know more about your current situation and whether or not we can help, then we will schedule a demo where we go over exactly what we do, how we do it compared to other agencies, and exactly what you are gaining from a partnership with DRT NATION.  Then, you will have ALL the information you need to know whether or not we should do business.

I look forward to speaking with you A-S-A-P:

WARNING: Time Is A Factor (Offer Expires October 31st,2024 @ 11:59PM)

One more thing. This opportunity is extremely limited due to the intense one-on-one time required to provide you with a solid plan of action.

For that reason, it’s literally impossible for me to accept and work with more than just 20-30 additional chiropractors in this manner.

You should know there is a sizeable demand for my “done for you” marketing services, so what I’m offering is actually unprecedented and never has been opened to the public before.

So with that said, know that the window of opportunity won’t be open for too long.

If you feel like this is right for you, and you’d like to explore the possibility of working hand-in-hand to create an action plan for your practice, then go to the calendar below now and let’s get the ball rolling.
Thank you,

David R. Thompson

P.S. In case you’re impatient like me, here’s the important details:


Our chiropractic marketing agency can help you free up hours of your precious time every day, and allow you to close more new patients so you can spend more time on the things you love.

We are offering a FREE discovery call to help you decide if working together is the right fit for you. We are so confident we can help you that if you feel the call was a waste of your time, I’ll personally send you $200 via PayPal on the spot.

This free discovery call is only for D.C.’s who are ready and driven to see 60-90 new patients every month, hire some D.C.’s, open a couple new locations, and/or help more people.

But this call is EXTREMELY LIMITED and won't be offered for much longer. Schedule NOW to RSVP yours today before it's too late.

“If you want to do a few small things right, do them yourself. If you want to do great things and make a big impact, learn to delegate.”

-John C. Maxwell

I guarantee not to waste your time on our Discovery Call, or I’ll immediately send $200 right to your PayPal account.

Offer Expires October 31st,2024 @ 11:59PM

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